About Me!

Presently: Software Engineer at Twilio

Student Developer at Google Summer of Code with RocketChat
Open-source Contributor: @duckdb, @dicedb, @RocketChar
Developer, Open source enthusiast, code fanatic ♥


Twilio - SDE2

Joined 'Data Governance & Insights' Team as a backend developer.

Dec 2024 – Present

Got exposure to Data Platform, Big Data Pipelines, Spark, Clickhouse, Kubernetes, Service-mesh, etc

Flipkart - SDE1

Working as a SDE in the Marketplace (Seller Support) Team

June 2022 – March 2023

Got exposure to Java Dropwizard, Kafka, ElasticSearch

Zomato- SDE Intern

Worked in Logistics Tech Team as a backend developer.

Jan – April 2022

Got exposure to Apache Kafka, Elastic Search, Pub-Sub, gRPC, Microservices in Golang, Ruby on Rails

Success Numbers Pvt. Ltd. - SWE Intern

Worked on OMS (Order Management System) and developed microservices for tracking whole order life-cycle

May – July 2021

Developed various API’s in the OMS-backend in Springboot and developed admin portal in React. Added lambda functions in AWS for serverless functionalities and integrated SNS and SQS for managing order fulfilments and inventories. Got exposure to Java, Springboot, JPA, Hibernate, React, AWS (Lambda, SNS, SQS, SES)

Scaler (by Interviewbit) - DSA Teaching Assistant

Worked as a teaching assistant for DSA and System Design.

2021 – 2023

Worked as a teaching assistant + mentoring + sloving doubts of university students and working professionals in Data Structures & Algorithms.

Google Summer of Code - Sophomore year

Student developer at GSoC 2020 for RocketChat

Omnichannel: Add screen sharing feature in the Livechat widget

May – September 2020

Rocket.Chat is the world's largest open source communications platform.
I worked with Rocket.Chat organization where I implemented screen sharing feature in the live-chat widget by developing a generic screen-sharing provider. Implemented API’s in RocketChat’s JS-SDK so that agents could get real-time screen-share on customer’s devices. Got exposure to Typescript, MeteorJS, RocketChat SDK, RocketChat Apps-Engine, MongoDB, Dependency Inversion

View project GSoC Work Report

Inter IIT Tech Meet 8.0, IIT Roorkee

I with my team won Gold Medal for the event "Ashoka's Tech for Change"

Fullstack Web and Blockchain Developer

October – December 2019

Problem Statement: With the vision, “Technology is not an end in itself, it’s a means to an end”, participants are supposed to develop a product using technology to solve an existing societal problem. Also, form a suitable business model around the same.

Inter IIT Tech Meet


Advisor: Development & Open Source

Sep 2019 – Present
Location: IIT Patna

NJACK (Not Just Another Computer Science Klub!) is the official Computer Science Club of IIT Patna

Visit site

Alma mater

Indian Institute of Technology, Patna - IIT P

Bachelors in Technology

Major: Electrical Engineering

The Indian Institute of Technology Patna is an autonomous institute of education and research in science, engineering and technology located in Patna, India. It is recognized as an Institute of National Importance by the Government of India.

Learn more

Methodist High School, Kanpur

Primary-Middle-High School

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This section contains some of my the things I've worked on before.
Many more such projects can be found at GitHub

Zero-shot Image Recognition

I have worked for Academic Project (CS244-Introduction to data science). My topic was Image classification using Zero-shot Image Recognition. Zero-Shot learning method aims to solve a task without receiving any example of that task at training phase. It simply allows us to recognize objects we have not seen before.

View on Github

IIT Patna Utility App

Built institute utility app for IIT-P students. IITP institute app This is the official app for Indian Institute of Technology Patna. Its main motive is to organise all the resources needed frequently at one place for the students of IIT Patna.

Android App View on Github Live Website

Handwritten-Digit Prediction

Handwritten Digit Prediction using Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow with Keras and Live Example using TensorFlow.js

View on Github Live Website

Graphql Apollo React stack realtime chat app

Built a chat app using Graphql, NodeJS, Apollo, React, MySql, JWT, React-Bootstrap with user authentication and message reaction support. Users can do realtime chat and react to messages with emojis with their peers

View on Github


Hi, I’m Ashwani, the guy behind and front of this site!

The following are a few things I do or used to do before when I'm not coding:

  • Playing Guitar
  • Workout
  • Listening to Music!

My favourite:

  • Poem: The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
  • Footballer: CR7

Listen to the latest songs, only on JioSaavn.com